Author: stemwebadmin

Workplace safety is front of mind these days. Employers must do everything they can do keep their employees as safe as possible by providing PPE and implementing safety protocols and policies. But what happens when the very strategies for keeping employees healthy actually cause them harm? A recent major revelation from the WSIB gives us […]

Given the present circumstances, there is heightened significance on this year’s National Day of Mourning, which is marked today and every April 28 in Canada, to remember those who have died, were injured or made ill at work. In this regard, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety notes: “This year, this day takes […]

Highways are eerily empty, rush hour is anything but rushed, and many people’s vehicles have been more or less parked for weeks. Traffic volumes are so low that there’s been a significant drop in collisions; so much so that some are calling for insurers to give customers a break on their premiums. As all but […]

Winter has arrived in Ontario and snow plows are out clearing city streets and highways. Plows are a welcome sight after a big snowfall, but with the benefits of snow clearance comes risk.  Due to their size, function and design, plows can result in dangerous or even deadly situations when care is not taken. So […]

When tragedy strikes in the workplace, is it enough for governments to enact legislation and policies to discourage further injuries and fatalities or is a wider cultural change what’s really needed? Both are important, according to occupational health and safety experts and it’s the culture part that can be the hardest. A recent CBC report […]

Imagine you are seriously hurt on the job, that you can’t return to your previous work because you now have a permanent disability. Worker’s compensation is supposed to be there to give you income security. However, in reality what often happens is that WSIB chooses a new job it says you “should be able” to […]

We’ve written about Vision Zero–a proven set of road safety principles that is gaining momentum across Canada— several times over the last few years.  Where are things at here in Ontario in 2019? Let’s take a look at what’s been happening with Vision Zero in our province. Kingston Kingston city council will consider a draft […]

June is Brain Injury Awareness Month in Ontario. To mark the occasion, we wanted to share two important initiatives: a new campaign in support of Rowan’s Law and the Unmasking Brain Injury project. Rowan’s Law – Concussion Awareness A new campaign to support Rowan’s Law was announced earlier this month, with the slogan “Hit. Stop. […]

Hit and run collisions are very serious. In addition to injury, hit and runs can cause enormous trouble and uncertainly for the victim. Coping with injury and recovery is hard enough without the added difficulties related to an unknown at-fault driver who has committed a crime by failing to remain at the scene of the […]

Listeners of CBC’s Sunday Edition recently heard Michael Enright’s short but scathing essay on pedestrian deaths in Canada’s large cities such as Toronto. Driving the broadcast, Enright suggests that the problem with road deaths is that “nobody cares”. “The politicians who run the police department don’t care. If they did, they would put more cops […]