Category: WSIB
Navigating short-term disability claims for mental health conditions can be a daunting process. As a legal professional with over 30 years of experience helping Ontarians secure benefits, I understand the challenges you may face. Whether you’re dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD, or another mental health condition, understanding your rights and the steps required to make […]
If you’re making a Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) claim or appeal that’s related to workplace injuries or illnesses, you should be aware of the time limitations involved. Under Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, you have six months to report your injury or illness to the WSIB and claim benefits following the date […]
If you are receiving workers compensation benefits in Ontario, one of the most important things you need to communicate to WSIB is any “material change” in your circumstances. What does that mean? A “material change in circumstances” is any change that affects your entitlement to WSIB benefits or services. These changes generally fall into one […]
When you begin a worker’s compensation claim in Ontario, the person you will likely have the most contact with is your WSIB case manager. The case manager (CM) is your main point of contact at WSIB and makes most decisions about your claim. While there are other staff, specialists and consultants employed by the WSIB, […]
Welcome back to our series on understanding workers’ compensation claims in Ontario. This is the final post in the series, looking at something that’s a little different from others: a claim for survivor benefits. (You can find a list of the previously-covered topics in this series at the end of this post.) When a worker […]
Happy New Year and welcome back to our series on understanding workers’ compensation claims in Ontario. Today, we’re looking at noise-induced hearing loss. (You can find a list of the previously-covered topics in this series at the end of this post.) What is Noise-Induced Hearing Loss? When workers develop hearing loss due to hazardous levels […]
Welcome back to our series on understanding workers’ compensation claims in Ontario. This is Part 2 of our look at Occupational Disease claims; in Part 1 we discussed what occupational diseases are most common in Ontario and what industries tend to be most dangerous for workers. Some of the most well-established occupational illnesses are specified […]
Welcome back to our series on understanding workers’ compensation claims in Ontario. Today, we’re looking at occupational diseases. (You can find a list of the previously-covered topics in this series at the end of this post.) Sadly, thousands of Ontario workers have and continue to be affected by serious and often fatal occupational diseases: their […]
Welcome back to our series on understanding workers’ compensation claims in Ontario. Today, we’re looking at psychological conditions. (You can find a list of the previously-covered topics in this series at the end of this post.) What Psychological Conditions Can I Make a WSIB Claim For ? One general category of claims is psychological conditions […]
Welcome back to our series on understanding workers’ compensation claims in Ontario. Today, we’re looking at disablements. (You can find a list of the previously-covered topics in this series at the end of this post.) What is a Disablement? Disablements are types of injuries that differ from accident-related injuries in that they have gradual onset […]