Category: Collisions

Saying that the Ontario auto insurance system is in crisis, the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association recently called on the provincial government to “establish a commission to conduct a public inquiry to examine the current state of independent medical assessments of injured auto accident victims.” In the above video clip, see OTLA President Maia Bent presenting […]

Did you know that in our province in 2013, more than 4000 pedestrians were injured in road accidents? Tragically, 91 of those pedestrians lost their lives in these accidents. Unfortunately, as long as there are vehicles on the road, there will always be a danger to pedestrians. But is a driver always liable for causing […]

Aside from physical injury, financial worries are often one of the hardest parts of an auto accident to cope with. In Ontario, auto insurance is mandatory, but there are certain situations where the at-fault party’s insurance isn’t sufficient to cover the costs associated with an accident. Here’s a look at three types of drivers that […]

Today, November 18th, is Canada’s National Day of Remembrance for Road Crash Victims. It’s a day to remember and honour those who have lost their lives in road accidents, and to acknowledge the loss their families, friends and colleagues have suffered. According to the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA), almost 2,800 people die […]

Are car accident victims better off now than they were five years ago? According to Alan Shanoff in the Toronto Sun, the answer is a resounding “NO”. In his recent opinion piece called Hard road for car crash victims: Why is the Ontario government taking away money they deserve and transferring it to the insurance […]

If you have lost your job following a car accident, you may find the financial uncertainty extremely difficult to cope with. Regardless of whether you are the primary breadwinner, you are likely worried about how you will survive the loss of income and afford the extra expenses incurred because of your injury. Here are some […]

Being involved in a car accident can be an intense and overwhelming experience, regardless of whether there are serious injuries. Sometimes one party wants to contact the police and the other does not. Should you call 911 or the local police? Do you know who to call in this situation? Here’s how to decide. If… […]

You have been involved in a car accident. You have had an injury and filled out the accident report, and are starting down the path of recovery. Did you know that no matter how you were involved in the accident (a driver, a pedestrian or cyclist) and whether you were at fault for the accident, […]