Category: Injury Claims

This is the latest in our series on what benefits you’re entitled to through your auto insurance if you’re injured in a car accident in Ontario. See our previous posts on the basics of SABS, medical & rehab benefits and attendant care benefits. Today, we’re talking about caregiver benefits. What are Caregiver Benefits? If you’re the […]

This is the third post in our “Spotlight on SABS” series, which delves into what auto insurance benefits you’re entitled to if you are hurt in a car accident in Ontario. In our previous posts, we looked at the basics of SABS and medical and rehabilitation benefits. Today we’ll continue with another type of benefit: […]

This is the second post in our “Spotlight on SABS” series. In our previous post, we looked at the basics of SABS and now we’re digging into the different types of auto insurance benefits available to people injured in motor vehicle collisions in Ontario. First up: medical and rehabilitation benefits. Medical Benefits: While much of […]

This post kicks off a series on what you need to know about Ontario’s Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule, with today’s post focusing on the basics of SABS. What are the SABS? Under Ontario’s no-fault auto insurance system, anyone who is injured in a motor vehicle collision is eligible for accident benefits under a piece of […]

The latest installment in our series on injury myths and misconceptions is the idea that small or minor injuries aren’t worth fighting for. When an insurer rejects your claim, or tries to say your injuries aren’t as bad as you claim, it can be extremely discouraging. The daunting idea of trying to fight back against […]

The latest edition in our series on personal injury myths and misconceptions addresses a concern that’s common among people involved in car accidents. Many times, people are reluctant to make a claim or initiate legal action against the insurer because they are afraid their premiums will increase. People are also sometimes worried that if they […]

We’ve been talking about personal injury law myths and misconceptions over the last few weeks, and today’s topic is a big one. People are often hesitant to contact a lawyer because they think it will cost too much. Is that true? Fact: most personal injury lawyers, Van Dyke Law included, operate on a contingency fee […]

Over the next little while, we’ll be tackling personal injury myths and misconceptions. For our first post, we are looking at the idea that “It’s never too late to call a lawyer.” Is that true? Fact: Working with a lawyer can be helpful at almost any time. BUT, there are some fairly hard and fast […]

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been running a series on car accident injuries that aren’t considered minor but also aren’t considered catastrophic, like concussions and chronic pain. Today we’re talking about psychological impairments that may arise from motor vehicle collisions. These can include depression, anxiety, PTSD and many other psychological diagnoses. The Minor Injury […]

This is the second post in a short series on injuries that are not minor, but also not catastrophic. Last time, we talked about concussions; today we’re talking about chronic pain. What happens when you have technically recovered from your car accident injuries, but you’re still experiencing significant pain–even though there shouldn’t be any? This […]