Day: 27 August 2015

Being involved in a car accident can be an intense and overwhelming experience, regardless of whether there are serious injuries. Sometimes one party wants to contact the police and the other does not. Should you call 911 or the local police? Do you know who to call in this situation? Here’s how to decide. If… […]

You have been involved in a car accident. You have had an injury and filled out the accident report, and are starting down the path of recovery. Did you know that no matter how you were involved in the accident (a driver, a pedestrian or cyclist) and whether you were at fault for the accident, […]

It is clear that distracted driving is one of the most serious problems our country faces these days. According to the Ministry of Transportation, drivers who use cell phones are four times more likely to be in a collision than drivers who focus on the road when drivers take their eyes off the road for […]